Friday, 18 October 2013

how to become a good salesman

The world of sales is a fiercely competitive and unrelenting market, populated you might say by thousands of business-minded individuals each looking to find that one great idea that will propel them instantly into wealth and affluence. However, the reality is that in order to stay afloat financially and have the opportunity to make big money, today’s salespeople often have to be incredibly lucky.
But this should not discourage the more determined amongst them. For despite fortune playing an active role in our economic futures, there are still a number of simple and practical approaches that will further their chance of success.

Get with the Times 

You cannot fight progress. And in today’s world of sales and business in general, this means being up to date with the latest technology and maintaining a strong presence across a variety of social media sites. With today’s tablets and smartphones, responding to emails and holding conference calls can be done on the move and with with ease. Likewise all major businesses now have a presence on twitter and facebook. Your competition is with the times, so you can’t afford not to be.

A Good Person is a Good Salesperson 

Ok, so the cliché of a successful salesperson as portrayed in the movies is most often a ruthless, immoral and heartless narcissist, who would screw his own mother over in order to make a few extra bucks on the side. But try if you can to disregard the stereotype for a second. For unless you have no conscience whatsoever, you will most probably find that being a decent and trustworthy salesperson will endear you far more towards prospective clients than being misleading and unethical. You’ll probably find that you sleep better at night too.

Positivity is the Key 

What separates those who succeed from those who just manage to stay afloat is a positive and proactive attitude towards business. The most successful of all salespeople set regular goals and work to fast tempo in order to achieve these. If they are unhappy with their income, they get out there and get face to face with even more potential customers. Through this unrelenting approach, they are constantly improving their chances of success. For the more clients you meet and the harder you work, the more opportunities you create and the more succinct and effective your approach to business becomes. With this positive philosophy towards sales, there are no failures, only lessons which improve your overall chances of success.

Learn from the Best 

Of course, the above is only a rough guide which suggests some of the qualities that will help to make you a better salesperson. For those truly dedicated to acquiring in-depth knowledge of sales strategies and techniques, the vast network of professional support offered by experienced sales consultants such as would be a very good starting point. The guidance offered by such companies, combined with the approaches outlined here, will give the prospective salesperson a distinct advantage in this competitive yet potentially lucrative field.

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